Pre waxing advice for your first visit
Are you coming for an appointment with me soon and you’ve never been before? Here’s a few tips for your first visit!
Give me something to work with
Your hair should be the length of a grain of rice, ideally AT LEAST 3 weeks since you last shaved, but 4 weeks is even better. I won’t bore you by going into too much detail about hair growth cycles but trust me on this. I’m a very experienced wax therapist using the highest quality products but even my technique and wax won’t pull out hair that was shaved just a few days ago. You should exfoliate in the week leading up to your appointment, this will help lift the hair for a better result.
Communication is everything!
My price list details exactly which areas hair will be removed from as part of your treatment. At the start of your appointment I’ll talk you through this again, and explain the way I work before we get started, so there should be no surprises. Talk to me – If you’ve been waxed before and had any kind of reaction, or there were parts of you where hair was always left behind, or there is anything at all you feel I need to know on your first visit, tell me! I want you to leave happy.
Things I REALLY need to know before we begin
I carry out a thorough consultation and need you to be completely honest when filling out your form. If you’ve taken Roaccutane (a treatment for acne), or any blood thinning medications in the last 6 months you cannot be waxed as these thin the skin and make it susceptible to lifting. If you have diabetes then you will need to provide a doctors note to say you can be waxed (my insurance will not allow me to proceed without this). For facial waxing, if you’ve had Botox or fillers I cannot wax your face for 7 days afterwards. I don’t wax over varicose veins, sunburn or open sores but I can work around them.
If you’re pregnant I CAN still wax you, from the moment you know to the day you deliver, but I do need to know. It goes without saying that any information you provide is entirely confidential.
No 1hr+ waxes here
One of my clients went elsewhere for a treatment recently whilst I was on holiday and came back telling me her Hollywood took an hour and a half? Now obviously nobody wants a haphazard job but no intimate wax should take that long. My intimate waxing clients are in and out the door in 30 minutes (unless you’re having some other waxing done too), that includes consultation, waxing, talking through aftercare, re-booking your next appointment, looking at photographs, swapping recipes, good Netflix series and book recommendations, and generally having a catch up!. Actual time “on the bed” is about 15-20 minutes. I’m fast AND thorough AND I give you a more comfortable treatment without making it feel rushed. Check out my Facebook reviews, the words “virtually painless” or “almost painless” feature a lot!
That leads me nicely to the most commonly asked question… WILL IT HURT?
I never advertise a “completely pain free” wax and anyone that does is luring you in with false promises. Everyone’s tolerance to pain is different, and if it’s your first wax you don’t know what to expect, you’re probably a bit on edge and that might make you feel more sensitive. It can feel a bit uncomfortable as the wax is removed – we are pulling hair out by the roots after all – but any discomfort quickly subsides within seconds and after each visit the hair thins and it gets much easier. I can promise that nobody walks out of the room in pain, almost everyone ends the appointment saying “it wasn’t as bad as I thought”, in fact I might make that my new tagline!
You don’t have to go completely bare, you can leave a little (or a lot) of hair
I want you to feel totally comfortable and happy with your treatment. Ladies whether you want to leave your knickers on and have a very basic bikini tidy, or whip them off and have the full Hollywood experience, or anything in between. I NEVER pressure anyone into having a more extended treatment than they feel comfortable with.
Aftercare is key!
For 24 hours after your appointment you need to avoid anything that will make you overly sweaty or cause chafing in the waxed area? so use it as an excuse to skip the gym that day. No hot bath or shower for the rest of the day (lukewarm is fine though), and no sauna, swimming or sunbeds. After 24 hours you can resume normal activities. All new clients are given an aftercare card with instructions on how to care for your freshly waxed skin and how to help prevent and treat ingrown hairs. I sell a couple of fantastic products to help with this.
Re-book before you leave
To ensure you stay on track with your waxing schedule and to make sure you’ve secured your next appointment, re-book before you leave. I’m generally booked up about 2-4 weeks in advance, so if you know you can only do specific days and times lets get your appointment booked in as a regular slot for you.
That’s all folks!
Head over to my FAQ page which should answer anything else that I haven’t covered here. I look forward to seeing you at your first appointment. Welcome to the waxed life!